Assessment Period

There are tow (2) assessment period per year


Our Curriculum

Our curriculum embraces the four pillars of education as stated in our schools philosophy

Transport Department

Official College Uniform is to be worn every day to school and official College functions. Uniforms must be clean and tidy at all times

Rules and Regulation


The following list covers the main daily routines and activities, and defines the College’s policy on these matters. It is not intended to be exclusive, and any behaviour or attitude which may be deemed contrary to common sense or good manners shall be taken to be a breach of the school rules.


College Uniforms

Official College Uniform is to be worn every day to school and official College functions. Uniforms must be clean and tidy at all times. Torn or stained clothing and missing buttons are not acceptable. No under shirts or trousers must be seen hanging under the proper school uniform. All students are to wear black shoes and socks (white) each school day and at any other official function. On Sports Days MUST wear their sports uniform.

Language and Behaviors

Students are expected to show a high level of good manners at all times. They must always be polite and well behaved. Students should show respect for visitors, teachers, prefects and fellow students. Swearing, fighting, abusive language and all other forms of unruly or dangerous behaviour are forbidden.

ENGLISH is the language that is to be used at all times both on the campus and at recognized College activities outside.

Wet Weather

If it is raining, students must be taught to take reasonable precautions to ensure that their uniforms remain dry. Students will be permitted to eat lunch in the classrooms but must not leave any mess behind. Students must clean their feet before entering the classrooms.


Excessive use of jewellery is not allowed. In particular boys are not to wear earrings and bracelets. Make-up, including nail polish is not allowed. Hair must be neatly cut, combed and clean. Students must be clean. Hair dying and excessive hair styles are not allowed in school, especially PUNK hair cut by boys and LONG HAIR EXTENSIONS by girls

Afternoon Activites

Afternoon activities generally include study or house sports or work parades. These are part of the College curriculum and are expected to be present and to participate to the best of their ability.


Students are to show a high level of good manners at all times. The Principal is to be called Principal. Students are to address teachers by their surnames and call them Mr. or Miss in the classroom hours, or Uncle, Auntie during recess. A high level of respect for each other is expected of all students. “Please” “Excuse Me” and “Thank you” should be used as a compulsory exercise. Teachers are responsible to encourage and promote etiquette.



School Principal (KVG)

School Principal (KVG)

School Principal (KVG)


Students must observe basic hygiene standards. Students should have their morning shower or wash before coming to school. College toilets are to be used correctly. Students must wash their hands before eating and after going to the toilet. Students with personal hygiene problems should consult the College Counsellor or Class Patron/ Matron.


Students are expected to arrive at school by 7.45 am at the latest, in time for general and class assembly. All school activities must start on time. Teachers are responsible for moving students promptly and quietly in and out of classrooms to attend other learning activities.

Use of classrooms

Classrooms may be used at recess and lunch time for private study ONLY. Students are not allowed to play or take food into the classrooms unless it is raining. Students may not go into the classrooms of any other class except for recognised school activities. It is forbidden for students to sit, lounge or congregate on classroom stairways.

College Properties

Students must treat all school property with respect. No school property is to be used without a teacher’s permission.

All equipment must be used properly and returned in good condition immediately after use. Correct borrowing procedures must be used at all times.


A student must be responsible for his/her own rubbish. Littering is discouraged anywhere in the school grounds.

Students must be taught not to litter the College. Students must be taught to pick rubbish up it they see it and put it in the rubbish bins provided. Teachers and Students must cooperate to clean and keep classrooms clean and tidy at all times.


Students must not destroy any animal or plant within the College. Students are encouraged to take care of all plants and animals in the college. Fires are to be lit only in the incinerator, under the supervision of a teacher.


Prefects have been given responsibility within the College and they should be respected and obeyed as legitimate student leaders.