the student

Assessment Period

There are tow (2) assessment period per year


Our Curriculum

Our curriculum embraces the four pillars of education as stated in our schools philosophy

Transport Department

Official College Uniform is to be worn every day to school and official College functions. Uniforms must be clean and tidy at all times

The Student At Kopkop College

  1. Student Role and Responsibilities:

    –           To be actively and purposefully engaged with issues and activities you regard as important;

    –           To be willing to try new things and to take risks in applying plan or tactics or strategies to solve problems in the normal, traditional or conventional and in creative ways;

    –           To involve different ways in the planning of your study work and take responsibility for your learning;

    –           To believe in your own ability to learn and are able to discuss and think over or consider or reflect on your own learning to make sure what you have done is right;

    –           You work independently and in group work as well to discuss common ideas, and always ask questions to support and help better understanding;

    –           You must be committed and self-motivated and look or ask for suitable or appropriate resources and help for a different variety of resources for your study work;

    –           You must learn to be thankful for what you receive or appreciate clean and honesty, respect and care for those who are in distress or concerns, respect other people’s views and feelings of others;

    –           You must know that your family and community members are welcome to visit you in the school;

    –           Learn to discuss issues that are said to support our society such as democracy, culture, fairness, equity and justice and relate them to any situation to your own lives;

    –           Learn to develop positive relationships with teachers, students and other adults;

The Student At Kopkop College


Quality learning is likely to occur when:

*students are actively and purposefully engaged with issues and activities they regard as important;

*students are willing to try new things and to take risks in applying strategies to solve problems in conventional and creative ways;

*students are involved in the planning of their work and take responsibility for their learning;

*students believe in their own ability to learn and are able to discuss and reflect on their own learning;

*students want to work independently and in groups, and are given support to do so;

*students are committed and self-motivated and can seek out appropriate resources and help for a variety of sources;

*students appreciate, respect and care for the concerns, views and feelings of others;

*students know that their family and community members are welcome in the school;

*students are able to discuss issues that are said to underpin our society such as democracy, culture, fairness, equity and justice and relate them to their own lives;

*students are able to develop positive relationships with teachers, students and other adults.