Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Aims

The aims acknowledge the National Goals and Directive Principles as enshrined in the National Constitution based on Integral Human Development. This means that our curriculum must aim to promote the principles of socialization, participation, liberation and equality.

Hence, a Curriculum for Kopkop College must help students to be happy, healthy and be useful members of their society. The curriculum will help students to develop mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually so they can live fulfilling lives. It must encourage them to think sensibly for themselves and to respect the thoughts of others. They will learn to communicate with other people through written and spoken language, through mathematics, and through other ways such as pictures, music and movement. They will learn how to help develop and sustain Papua New Guinea’s natural environment and its physical and human resources, for the benefit of all.

The curriculum will prepare students to meet the challenges of a changing world. It will prepare students to develop useful knowledge and skills so they are competent in communicating and who are aware of their social and spiritual obligations. Our country needs citizens who will protect our resources through critical thinking and sound decision-making and who have the competence to facilitate problem solving skills.

Aims of   Early Childhood Curriculum

The Early Childhood Curriculum aims to:

  • Foster positive relationships between staff and children by practicing active listening techniques, maintaining eye contact and role modeling positive interactions
  • enable students to develop an understanding of and respect for local cultural values and traditions
  • enable students entry into Early Childhood learning
  • develop an integrated approach to teaching basic skills in English and mathematics which will prepare students for continuing onto the primary school level
  • equip students with knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective communication, resource development, social development and spiritual development to achieve integral human development
  • value skills education, building upon the skills and knowledge the students have developed from interacting in English or in their own language
  • effectively engage communities in the life and activities of the school to ensure relevance, ownership of courses, and access by schools to community resources
  • provide a foundation for students’ entering primary level of schooling
  • provide a firm foundation for lifelong education
  • encourage teachers to be creative and use the community and improvise with materials that are around them
  • Prepare children for later schooling, through learning beyond traditional academic subjects and applying methods that promote independence, curiosity, decision making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving in young children.

Aims of the Primary Curriculum

The Primary Curriculum aims to:

  • help students develop and foster basic knowledge, skills and attitudes in English, Science and Mathematics contents which are needed for effective communication, resource development, social development and spiritual development
  • provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to continue to learn after they leave school
  • encourage students to regard learning as a lifelong education process
  • maintain communication in vernacular for students
  • help students to communicate effectively in both written and oral English in all subjects and participate in a wider national and international community in English
  • help students express greater appreciation of their own culture
  • help students to acquire a set of basic life skills including humility and practical applications that they can use in their daily lives no matter where they live
  • encourage students to develop confidence, self esteem and respect for others in order to pursue those opportunities that will improve their standard of living and their families
  • assist students to develop and demonstrate the ability to participate meaningfully in community affairs
  • enable students to be responsible citizens who are able to gain the necessary qualities and skills, in order to live happily and productively in the communities in which they choose to live and serve
  • help students to acquire greater skills in basic computing and other subjects like music, arts etc;
  • enable students to understand and explain basic concepts about the world in which they live
  • ensure students become mathematically and scientifically literate in both the physical and social sciences in ways that are relevant to daily life
  • encourage teachers to use local resources that deal with important local and national issues
  • encourage teachers to be creative and improvise with materials that are around them.

Aims of the Secondary Curriculum

The aims of the secondary curriculum are to:

  • develop in student’s healthy self-concepts and accountable autonomy that will enable them to identify and respond to the value systems of their culture while being appreciative of and respectful of those different from their own
  • help students be aware of major agricultural and food resource needs and be able to develop and apply appropriate technologies in support of local and national needs
  • assist students to know how to adapt directly and appropriately new technologies and knowledge to their environment and their own social and economic needs
  • encourage students to be creative, innovative and rational thinkers in their response to problems
  • enable students to understand the basic concepts about the world in which they live
  • help students achieve high levels of literacy in English and in other languages
  • enable students to be scientifically and mathematically literate
  • encourage students to have a good sense of social awareness and be able to respond to social issues
  • help students to have effective communication skills and utilise the full potential of information and communications technologies
  • encourage students to consider health and leisure as an important part of life
  • assist students to understand the requirements of further academic education and also help students to discover their own interests and strengths
  • encourage students to achieve excellence in all subjects without favouring one area over another
  • help students to identify potential career paths and what to expect in working life as well as provide a foundation for tertiary studies
  • assist students to learn how to learn and think for themselves and to view learning as a lifelong endeavor
  • enable students to be responsible citizens who are able to gain the necessary qualities and skills, in order to live happily and productively in the communities in which they choose to live and serve
  • encourage students to apply what they are learning to life and work-related situations for

the common good

  • help students to develop a culture of enterprise and wealth creation for the benefit of

themselves and society as a whole.