Students Missing Tests

Calculate average for the test missed.

Good reason (calculate average). Note formulae

Total Raw Score Obtained x Max total: Max Test Total sat for

No reason (1 mark below the lowest), then calculate average.

  1. Deliberately missing test
  2. Genuine reasons(sick, School fees, supervision)
  • Test must be administered on the same day
    a) 1 mark below lowest test marks (All)
    b) Formula
    c) Lowest score is 1.“No Zero”
    d) Report Sheets/report cardsAssignments and projects

All projects and assignments collected and assessed

Minimum test per term-4 test to be given (Section 9.1 CR)

  1. Maximum total marks-/30 (should not exceed 30 marks)
  2. Marked within a week and returned to students.

Formula for transferring students

Missing test

  1. Calculate average for student averages
  2. Use ranking of the active assessment period to the past assessment period. Gr 6 ranking will be used for Gr.5 to get the marks 5th in grade 6 than; 5th ranked score in grade 5 will be given to the student as a part of his/her assessment.
  3. Late transfer-in in an assessment period will be assessed in the next assessment period (AP).

Port Moresby Campus
Modiki Drive, Gerehu Stage 2

Kavieng Campus
NIP, Nusa Parade

Our hours

8:00 AM – 4.30 PM
Monday – Friday

8:00 AM – 4.30 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Phone: 326 1822 / 326 2839
Email: admin@kopkopcollege.ac.pg

Phone: 984 2922  / 7959 5694
Email: kopcol.kav@gmail.com