Sir Micheal Somare tribute

A Man with A Vision

                                       Poem by Verolyn Lavai, 8.1, Kopkop College

We were not a country but a thousand tribe 45 years ago,

Until One Man united us as One,

We were strangers in our motherland 45 years ago,

Until One Man gave it back to us.

Your honesty is so engulfing

When I see your face

No tension, full of peace and grace

You had a vision

Equality and freedom for all

That was your mission

Because of You, I can be proud to say I am a child of this great nation,

The nation you fought for and won victoriously on September 16th 1975,

Even though you are not here

Your legacy lives on in our memories and hearts.

This country will always remember you as a brave warrior, a wise chief and a loving father.

Rest in peace Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare.


Champion of Unity: If it weren’t for you

                                       Poem by Angela Kilip, 7.2, Kopkop College

We wouldn’t have gained Independence

If it weren’t for you

We would still be ruled by another

If it weren’t for you

Smart educated people wouldn’t be smart and educated

If it weren’t for you

We wouldn’t travel to other places

If it weren’t for you

Our future generation wouldn’t know PNG existed

If it weren’t for you

We wouldn’t be known as Papua New Guinea today.

A country of many cultures and languages

Yet united by a Champion of Unity

May your legacy live on in our hearts and minds

For legends never die

And may the generation to come

Remember you always

As the father of this great nation

Papua New Guinea.

If it weren’t for you

So, live on in our history

And rest in love our Champion

Sir Michael Thomas Somare

Thank you and we love you.

We celebrate the life of a Grand Leader

                                       Poem by Zachary, 10, Kopkop College

“The great men of a nation reach out to all mankind. They are unifying not divisive, internationally conciliating and still great nationally.” – Gustav Stresmann.

We celebrate this day

The life of a great man

A grand leader

A man who portrayed his dreams across this country and the world.

You are an epitome, an independent example of a true Papua New Guinean

You went down in history, the day you wrote the history of PNG.

Despite your many titles

You were also a loving husband and father to your family and the rest of PNG

And even though we mourn your passing

You are at peace with our Creator.

Your legacy lives on

And PNG is thankful beyond compare.

You are a respectable leader

And we honour your service here in the founding and development of PNG.

No words can describe how magnanimous you greatly impacted PNG.

You brought together people from across countries,

Which is why, Sir Michael Thomas Somare,

You are and always will be a Champion of Unity.

This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. mollis


  2. ut


  3. etiam


  4. ketchup


  5. giddy


  6. unroped


  7. interdum


  8. neque


  9. quam


  10. unshowy


  11. leo


  12. luctus


  13. delenda


  14. frisk


  15. sew


  16. semper


  17. ostracod


  18. iaculis


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