About Us
About us
Our Port Moresby Campus is home to our Primary and Secondary School. We offer greenery and state of the art facilities that provide our Kopkop College community with the space and freedom to think, grow, achieve and effect change.
We are proud to offer a diverse campus to a country that celebrates and embraces our diversity, here inclusion is paramount. We have students and staff from all over PNG and other countries studying and working here, so we offer a range of services that supports students from culturally diverse backgrounds, including those with special needs. It’s a diverse campus, with a strong focus on equity, diversity and inclusion.
Studies have revealed that great facilities improve student learning. Hence as a school that strives to provide the best for our students, every year we try to upgrade and build new cutting edge facilities that are purpose-built with an environmental, self-sustainable focus, and are designed to give our students the best possible environment in which to learn, play and develop artistic passion.
Here we have a vibrant and active STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program. Our STEM programs create critical thinkers, increase science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators.
Starting with our Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) as the foundation for lifelong learning and development, our curriculum aims to give students the journey in education that they deserve as we give highest quality preparation for college and university work while fostering independent thinking; the ability to solve problems; and the skills, tolerance, and integrity it takes to thrive in our multifaceted world.
Apart from the uniting diversity, the cutting edge facilities, the STEM programs, and seamless education. Our Port Moresby Campus yard is surrounded by flowers and trees that we sometimes use as a classroom to reconnect students with the natural world and to teach them valuable gardening and agriculture concepts and skills that integrate with several subjects, such as math, science, art, health and physical education, and social studies, as well as several educational goals, including personal and social responsibility.